

R&DIO Podcast started in the Fall of 2015 as the brain child of Dyanna & Robert. After collaborating on another podcast, it was quickly discovered that these two near strangers had a lot of things to talk about and felt the need to entertain the world with their musings. Brought together by their love of a politics, the absurd, and some off-color jokes, these two friends have built the empire you see before you today. R&DIO (Robert & Dyanna Interact Orally) is here to bring you the finest bull every two weeks.

Dyanna is a New Jersey transplant living in Maryland, close enough to DC to enjoy the constant political drum without the traffic. She enjoys long walks on the beach, playing with her two kids, and anything that will get her out of going to the office. Email her at dyanna@radio-podcast.net.

Robert is a Liverpool, UK native who has immigrated to New Hampshire, USA and had himself some anchor babies to stay put... or as some people say "married a good woman and started a family". He is a kilt aficionado and Excel genius. Email him at robert@radio-podcast.net.

James hails from Wicksford. Here he puts together a variety of music for most tastes. A visionary, a genius are terms often applied, but he deflects with a wave of his baton. Mr CeChord, we thank you.


Solid Question! Look us up in any one of these locations!!